Give Kids the World Village

Give Kids The World Village is an 89-acre, whimsical nonprofit resort near Orlando that provides critically ill children and their families from your community and around the world with magical week-long wish vacations at no cost. From life’s simple pleasures to the stuff that dreams are made of, every wish family is treated to an all-inclusive experience including transportation; accommodations; donated theme park tickets; all meals and snacks; nightly entertainment; daily gifts; and more.


2,478 Families Served in Colorado!

Give Kids the Wolrd Village, Where Happiness Inspires Hope!


Keep them coming!

Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service and iron clad guarantees but the kids at Give Kids the World Village will benefit as well. Just give us a call or pass our number on to anyone you know considering buying or selling. Our number is 720-463-0002.